As plans ramp up and your focus is THE WEDDING at the
expense of other aspects of your life, take the advice of many wedding planners
and Practice Self Care. Do
whatever you need to do to unwind, relax and sleep well. Take your vitamins, get healthy exercise and
find emotional outlets for the stress you are under. Remember your groom. Do fun things together and plan
together. This is not the time to get
run down and “catch” the bug that is making the rounds. You need to be healthy and strong and
Get and stay
organized. Start early and document every decision made around your
special day. It doesn’t matter if you
have high tech records or sheets of paper clipped together or in file folders
or paper bags. Whatever system works for
you- implement it early and keep it current.
Set a budget and stick to it. Early on the couple should sit down
together and decide how much they can afford to spend on the wedding and where they feel it should be
spent. Agree on priorities. Talk honestly with parents about their
willingness and ability to contribute to the wedding. Look at the major expense items – reception
costs, honeymoon, clothing, photographs, entertainment, and flowers. Working
within those guidelines makes other decisions easier.
Remember to be grateful for all that you
have and all that others are doing for you.
You will get gifts, good wishes and offers of assistance. Remember to thank everyone for their
offers. Weddings are joyous affairs and
people want to be a part of a positive and exciting event that a marriage truly
Remember your plans and don’t be
derailed. You’ve set your budget
and made significant decisions. Don’t be
tempted to play “one ups manship”.
You’ll go to other weddings while planning yours and see lots of
ideas. Some you’ll want to copy and
others you won’t but before you do, remember your budget. This is your wedding – not a copy of your old
college roommate’s big day. She had her
event. You’ll have yours.
Let go of bridal guilt. No one can make everyone happy all
the time. Worrying about it takes up far
more time and energy than is deserved.
Sometimes guilt is good. It can
help us deal with the feelings of others.
But most of the time, we are afraid we’ve let someone down. Do your best to be aware of the feelings of
others and honor them when you can. But
on the wedding day, you are there to please yourself and your groom as you
begin your new life together.
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