Should you hire a wedding planner or are you preparing to do
it all yourself? Most busy working
brides today need the help of a professional planner – for all or part of their
weddings. A professional wedding
planner’s advice and expertise can save time, money and sanity so don’t dismiss
the idea out of hand.
When you meet with a wedding planner to talk about how much
or how little you need him/her to do for your wedding, here are six key
questions you should ask to guide that informational meeting.
1. Here are
the vendors and venues I am considering using.
Do you know anything about them?
Who are your favorites and why?
The planner can
often give you some good feedback about a particular vendor and/or steer you
away from potential trouble.
2. How
many weddings of my size have you done?
If you are planning on a small intimate gathering and the
planner specializes in huge society weddings, you two may not be a good match.
3. If I hire you for my wedding, what is your
role and what is mine?
It is a good idea to have clarity around who is responsible
for what and in a tight situation, who has the final say? Do need to have the planner clear every
little detail with you or can he/she make decisions based on early parameters
you two have established?
4. How many weddings do you do each month? Do you have enough staff to cover all
weddings you book? You don’t want to
be one of a multitude in June if the planner doesn’t have the staff to handle
all of its commitments.
5. Ask for a client and vendor list and ask if
you may call them for references.
6. Ask for an explanation of how he/she
charges. Is there a flat rate, a sliding
scale, extra charges for add ons?
7. Do you belong to any professional organizations?
Associations such as Weddings Beautiful Worldwide have helped increased the
value, and raise the professional standards of wedding planners everywhere.
The goal of all good
wedding planners is to save you time and money . . . and most importantly for
you to enjoy one perfect day!
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