An invitation is coming your way from a family member or a good friend or both. It is an honor to be selected to help those close to you celebrate a wonderful part of their life.
If you RSVP with a positive response, you become an official guest at this party. You will no doubt bring an appropriate wedding gift, but did you know that another gift you give to the couple is the knowledge of how to be a good guest, and the wisdom to use that knowledge.
Here is a checklist of do’s and don’t that you can follow to insure that your behavior will not cause the couple to grimace on their 10th anniversary as they recall events from their wedding.
- Make sure to send your RSVP in a timely manner.
- Arrive at the wedding at least 15-20 before the ceremony is to begin.
- Stay standing at the back of the church if you are going to be late.
- Keep your cell phone on silent.
- Dress appropriately.
- Have fun dancing but do not call attention to yourself or your partner.
- Respect the couple’s wishes even if they aren’t what you would choose.
- Change your mind about attending. Don’t cancel and then show up anyway.
- Sit in a front row. That is for immediate family only.
- Text or tweet or blog during the ceremony
- Wear jeans or sweats unless requested by the couple
- Get in the way of the professional photographer doing his job.
- Take ceremony or reception photos unless the couple approve.
- Trash talk the couple’s choices.
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